All of France

CEach region has its characteristics and brings something different to the wine. The HB barrel is balanced and is the perfect synthesis between HBC and HBE: the proper mix between wood impact and structure. An adaptable barrel that will work with most of wines, a genuine and traditional approach of the French oak barrel.

fût Tonnellerie Rousseau 228LFût Rousseau-BenedicteManiereTonnellerie_Rousseau_001-SergeChapuis
White and red grape varieties
Balance, fine tannins, mixed oak character
5 toasting levels available: L, LC, , ML, M+, Forte
For wine ageing periods between 11 and 18 months
All of France
Tight and medium-tight grain blend
Capacity (in liters) : 28, 57, 114, 225, 228, 265, 300, 350, 400, 500, 600